The seven learning stories illustrate parts of the learning journeys of seven teachers.
Each teacher grappled with the concepts of collaborative inquiry, cultural responsiveness, and pedagogical content knowledge and with how they could better enable their Māori and Pasifika students to achieve success.
Story 1: Improving Pasifika students' conceptual understandings of government
What impact do language fluency strategies, such as concept circles, have on Pasifika students' conceptual understanding of systems of government?
Story 2: Tama ‘A Le ‘Ele‘ele, Sa‘ili Mālō: Enhancing Samoan students’ comprehension of written texts
What impact would the use of high-level questions in the Samoan language have on students' understanding of texts written in English?
Story 3: Exploring culturally responsive pedagogies in science
Does teaching science using the Māori metaphor of ako as a teaching pedagogy help year 8 students understand scientific concepts?
Story 4: Using explicit instructional strategies to teach narrative writing
Will incorporating explicit instructional strategies when teaching narrative writing have a positive impact on students' writing?
Story 5: Constructing knowledge through mathematical discourse
Will introducing problem-based tasks improve the mathematics achievement of lower-performing students?
Story 6: Using family stories in learning about cultural identity and cultural transmission
How can I use Māori and Pasifika students' past experiences, knowledge, and culture to enhance their achievement and learning?
Kōrero 7: Te Whakapai ake i te Whai Wāhi me ngā Paetae mā te Aromatawai Whakawhanake
Mā te toha i ngā whāinga ako me te hanga tahi i ngā paearu angitu ka piki ake i taku akomanga te whai wāhi me ngā whāinga paetae o te tikanga ā-iwi?
Story 7: Improving participation and achievement through formative assessment
Will sharing learning intentions and co-constructing success criteria raise participation and achievement levels in tikanga ā-iwi in my class?
Published on: 26 Aug 2009
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