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Curriculum resources

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We are preparing to close this site as we transition to Tāhūrangi

Tāhūrangi is the new online curriculum hub for Te Tāhuhu o te Mātauranga | Ministry of Education.

There is an array of resources available to support schools as they design and review their school curriculum.

Spotlight icon.

NZC Spotlights
NZC spotlights are mini professional learning sessions that focus on a specific aspect of The New Zealand Curriculum. Presented on Google Slides, NZC spotlights include short readings, videos, and follow up activities. Further resources are suggested at the end of each session for those who want to access more information.

NZC Online blog
The NZC Online blog provides ideas, resources, and tools to help schools design and shape their own curriculum.  

National events and The New Zealand Curriculum
A guide to national days and weeks that you can celebrate in your schools.

School snapshots
These snapshots include examples, strategies and ideas schools have found useful in introducing curriculum change.

Media gallery
These stories provide examples of ideas and approaches some schools are using to reshape their curricula.

Current New Zealand Curriculum
This section on Tāhūrangi contains the current statements of official policy that English medium state and state-integrated schools are required to use when developing and implementing their teaching and learning programmes.

Career education
A curated selection of resources providing support to teachers and students on effective career education and guidance.

Financial capability
Developing financial capability is highlighted in The New Zealand Curriculum as an example of the type of theme that schools could use for effective cross-curricular teaching and learning programmes.

Education for sustainability
Sustainability is a critical issue for New Zealand – environmentally, economically, culturally, politically, and socially. We need to learn how to live smarter to reduce our impact on the environment for future generations.

Education for Enterprise
Education for Enterprise (E4E) is about promoting an approach to learning – one that is real, relevant, and gives students responsibility for their learning.

Updated on: 07 Dec 2020
