Fact sheets (archived)
Assessment for learning
Assessment is a powerful process that can either optimise or inhibit learning, depending on how it’s applied.
Background papers
The following documents provide the background for the development of the National Standards.
The role of formal assessment tools
The primary purpose of assessment is to improve students’ learning and teachers’ teaching as both respond to the information it provides.
Teachers sharing expectations and understanding of standards with each other to improve the consistency of their decisions about student learning.
National Standards and the New Zealand Curriculum
Teachers will be able to use the National Standards as they design and review school curriculum.
Overall teacher judgment
Drawing on and applying evidence gathered up to a particular point in time in order to make an overall judgment about a student’s progress and achievement.
English language learners
In addition to reporting to parents and students in relation to National Standards it is recommended that schools initially also report progress and achievement in relation to the English Language Learning progressions.
Special education needs
For children who have special education needs, as with all students, showing progress in relation to the standards will be as much a focus as showing achievement.
Plain language reporting
Helps parents, families, whānau, and communities be clear about where their children are at, how to support their learning, and be aware of any problems early.
National Administration Guidelines
A separate NAG (NAG 2A) has been inserted to cover the reporting requirements that relate specifically to National Standards.
Changes to student management systems
Student Management Systems (SMS) include software that schools use for registration, enrolment, ministry returns, attendance tracking, lesson planning, health and pastoral, incidents and events, calendar, extra-curricular, awards and achievements, recording marks, trends analysis, management and parent reporting, parent portal, staff details, and NCEA entries and returns.
National Standards references
Reference material used in the development of the National Standards.
Overview of monitoring and evaluation framework
A framework for generating good information about the implementation and outcomes of National Standards.
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