Supporting parents, whānau, and communities (archived)
Literacy and numeracy resources for parents, families, whānau, and communities
These resources help teachers in their conversations with parents, families, whānau, and communities
Here are ten good ways to use the resources to engage with and support parents, families, whānau, and communities:
- To help explain how what happens at school and what happens at home interconnect to support learning.
- For ideas on supporting a child's learning at home.
- To explain National Standards in reading, writing, and mathematics.
- To talk with parents about a child's literacy and numeracy.
- To include in enrolment packs.
- For content that can be copied and used in school literacy and numeracy resources.
- To include with school newsletters.
- For ideas and activities parents and children can do together during the holidays.
- To talk with students about their goals.
- To include with reports.
A snapshot of the New Zealand Curriculum: Reading, Writing and Mathematics Standards
This poster is for teachers, parents/families/whānau/communities and students to talk together about progress during years 1-8. Available as:
Supporting Your Child’s Learning – foldouts
These foldout sheets feature learning activities parents and children can do at home. They explain the National Standards in reading, writing, and mathematics for years 1 to 8. Available as:
Supporting Your Child’s Learning – translated booklets
This 20-page booklet is available in 14 languages. Available as:
How Well is My Child Doing?
This leaflet is available in 16 languages and explains National Standards. Available as:
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