Design elements
Target for support (strengths and needs)
PLD provision in mathematics for teachers in primary schooling (years 1-8), in particular, years 4-8; lower decile schools where learner achievement is below the expected level.
Expected outcomes
This programme is designed to:
- support the development of all teachers in primary schooling
- provide culturally responsive teaching of mathematics for all students using an inquiry model
- reflect on and improve teaching practice.
This includes using ICT to supplement traditional ways of teaching and to open up different ways of learning.
There are three main programmes:
- Whole-school in-depth work - a whole-school, in-depth approach to address issues of within-school variance, and lift overall student achievement in mathematics and reduce disparities in mathematics achievement.
- Mathematics leaders clusters - developing professional leadership in the mathematics and statistics learning area.
- Content knowledge workshops – increasing teachers’ pedagogical content knowledge and subject content knowledge in mathematics and statistics.
This PLD provides opportunities embedded within a teaching as inquiry frame that:
- improves the effectiveness of teaching and learning at the critical stages of primary schooling, in particular years 4-8
- targets lower decile schools
- adopts a whole-school, in-depth approach to address issues of within-school variance
- lifts overall student achievement in mathematics and reduces disparities in mathematics achievement.
Delivery design (who, how long, interactions)
The length of the programme depends on individual schools' strengths and needs analysis with a commitment of a minimum of one year.
The length of the programme is dependent upon the identified need of the kura/school as determined from analysis of data, information, teaching practices, and annual plan targets.
How will the support contribute to classroom practice (tier 1) and school capability?
This support seeks to strengthen mathematics knowledge and build teacher capability in the teaching and assessment of mathematics and statistics.
How will the support contribute to building educationally powerful relationships with parents, whānau/family, hapu, iwi, and community?
Mathematics professional learning and development includes:
- the development of teacher knowledge about the value and importance of linking learning at home with learning at school
- a focus on ensuring that all parents and whānau are supported to understand where their children are currently at in their learning, and what their next learning steps will be
- a focus on the importance of culturally responsive learning and teaching that values the cultures, identities, and languages of all learners and their parents, families, and whānau.
Methods of delivery and time commitment
For whole-school in-depth work, a strengths and needs analysis is completed and a flexible and tailored PLD programme is co-constructed with the school.
On-site, in-depth PLD will be constructed to give effect to the Ten Principles of Effective Pedagogy in Mathematics (Anthony & Walshaw, 2009). Within this context, PLD will be delivered through a flexible and responsive selection of:
- whole-school staff meetings for the development of common, consistent curriculum messages, culturally responsive pedagogies, assessment, and planning
- individual teacher and syndicate meetings to analyse student achievement data, attending particularly to students in need of accelerated progress and addressing issues of in-school variance of student achievement
- individual teacher meetings to set and review personal developmental goals
- classroom modelling, observation, and follow-up discussion
- syndicate and staff meetings to develop effective pedagogy, content knowledge, and programmes to accelerate learning
- leadership meetings for planning and reflection on the learning needs of the staff
- mentoring and coaching.
How is support monitored and measured in terms of outcomes?
Changes in depth and intensity of provision are dependent on progress, and progress is reviewed regularly and linked to learner achievement.
What needs to be sustained?
Sustained teaching as inquiry with school-wide self-review is required to achieve and sustain improvements in teacher knowledge, skills, and capability in teaching and learning in mathematics and statistics.
Published on: 20 Nov 2012
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