Design elements
Target for support (strengths and needs)
The Incredible Years Teacher programme is for teachers of children aged 3–8 years. It provides teachers with approaches to help turn disruptive behaviour around and create a more positive learning environment for children.
Expected outcomes
- Strengthened classroom management skills.
- Increased teacher capability and confidence.
- Improved student behaviour, reduced classroom aggression, conflict, and acting out.
- Increased student engagement and achievement.
What data is used to support access decision?
Programme is available to all teachers of children aged 3–8 years, depending on where and when programmes are provided.
Delivery design (who, how long, interactions)
Teachers from a school or early childhood education centre meet with colleagues from other schools or centres once a month over six months. There is also a follow-up, one day session three months later.
The Incredible Years Teacher programme covers:
- building positive relationships with children
- proactively preventing behaviour problems
- using attention, encouragement, and praise to turn behaviour around
- motivating children by giving them incentives
- helping children learn social skills, empathy, and problem-solving
- using appropriate consequences for undesirable behaviour.
How will the support contribute to classroom practice (tier 1) and school capability?
The programme uses videotape modelling, role plays, and discussions, and follows a collaborative model of training that emphasises participants applying skills and concepts to their own situations.
Teachers are set assignments, such as developing individual behaviour plans, using praise to promote a targeted behaviour, and setting clear classroom rules and routines.
In between sessions of the programme, teachers have opportunities to apply approaches in their classrooms/centres and receive feedback and observations from Incredible Years facilitators.
How will the support contribute to building educationally powerful relationships with parents, whānau/family, hapu, iwi, and community?
Strategies that teachers work on during the programme include developing meaningful relationships with students and collaborating with parents and whānau.
Fidelity elements (small groups, one on one, timing)
Teachers from a school or early childhood education centre meet with colleagues from other schools or centres once a month over six months. The programme is facilitated by two, trained Incredible Years group leaders.
In between sessions, teachers have opportunities to apply approaches in their classroom and centres, and receive feedback and observations from Incredible Years group leaders.
How is support monitored and measured in terms of outcomes?
Programme level monitoring:
- Teacher strategies questionnaire (self-report Likert scale on teacher strategies)
- Teacher workshop satisfaction questionnaire
Programme is part of overall PB4L evaluation project, which will evaluate:
- outcomes specific to this initiative
- what elements of Incredible Years Teacher works for whom and in what circumstances
- system level impact.
What needs to be sustained?
Teacher wellbeing and confidence, ability to manage classroom and individual student behaviour.
PB4L resources for schools with students years 5–8.
Roles and responsibilities for the support
What are the conditions for successful delivery?
Trained group leaders who have the confidence and capability to deliver the programme with fidelity and in accordance with Incredible Years protocols.
Ministry of Education pays teacher release for programmes attended by qualified teaching staff. The participant fee of $200 per teacher that covers the cost of resources, venue hire, catering etc is automatically deducted from this payment.
School/Early Childhood Centre
Commitment to monthly one day sessions for six months. Active participation in all sessions.
A participant fee of $200 fhf covers resources, venue hire, and catering applies to non qualified or non teaching staff that are attending the programme (and do not quality for teacher release).
Incredible Years Teacher programmes are delivered by Ministry of Education staff together with key delivery partners – Resource Teachers: Learning and Behaviour (RTLBs) and contracted early childhood organisations.
MoE provides ongoing support to group leaders to increase capability.
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