The kaupapa
Kia Eke Panuku: Building on Success Secondary schools, working to give life to Ka Hikitia and address the aspirations of Māori communities, thus ensuring Māori students’ potential.
The collaboration
Kia Eke Panuku:Building on Success brings together key findings from Te Kotahitanga, He Kākano, the Starpath Project for Tertiary Participation and Success and the Secondary Literacy and Numeracy Projects. The experience and expertise of three institutions (Waikato University, University of Auckland and Te Whare Wānanga o Awanuiārangi) are being drawn together into a new collaboration to secure the kaupapa. The academic and theoretical understandings of the personnel involved in this project are considerable, and everyone is committed to establishing and delivering the kaupapa of Kia Eke Panuku:Building on Success so that the potential gains identified from each previous programme can be realised for Māori students enjoying and achieving education success as Māori (Ka Hikitia).
Ka Hikitia
Kia Eke Panuku:Building on Success is underpinned by the principles of Ka Hikitia – in particular the importance that the Treaty of Waitangi and valuing Māori language, culture and identity in education have for enabling Māori students to not only reach their full potential and to achieve and succeed as Māori, but to excel.
Key principles
Kia Eke Panuku:Building on Success develops strategic leadership that is underpinned by a moral imperative to improve valued Māori student outcomes.
The programme seeks to develop a culturally responsive pedagogy of relations across all levels of the school and into Māori communities.
The programme uses data and evidence, takes an inquiry approach to effect positive change in in-class and school-wide practices, systems and structures and works towards creating long-term sustainable change.
Kia Eke Panuku: Building on Success encourages school leaders to work with whānau, hapū, iwi and Māori organisations to ensure their support and expertise with Māori language and culture can be positively directed towards Māori student engagement and achievement outcomes.
A responsive approach
Kia Eke Panuku: Building on Success is a strategic change management approach that requires all participants to self-review their evidence of Māori students participation and achievement, to be open to the views of others, and to make the necessary personal and professional changes to ensure Māori students enjoy and achieve educational success as Māori. This requires a ‘one size fits one’ Professional Learning and Development approach - that is, differentiated and responsive to the evidence; builds capacity and expertise; and is an approach that invests in local people and their own solutions.
The programme is delivered in three phases. As schools opt in, the Kia Eke Panuku: Building on Success team works with school leaders in the different regions to undertake profiling activities. These activities begin to identify the level of intervention that each school may require. This evidence provides the basis for working and then for measuring future change.
A relational approach
The programme begins by establishing relationships with relevant personnel from the Ministry of Education, schools, whānau, hapū and iwi; gathering profile evidence; analysing that evidence; and providing feedback to develop action planning with schools.
To spread the kaupapa of Kia Eke Panuku coherently, each school’s strategic change leadership team works with regional facilitators to develop the programme of action that will be reflected in individual school action plans. These action plans are implemented with shadow coaching support from facilitators so that new practices and understandings begin to emerge and are consolidated, allowing a theory-based reform to develop.
Meanwhile, as an important element of schools building closer relationships with whānau, collaborative connections are also developed with whānau, hapū, iwi and local Māori organisations.
Professional Learning and Development
Schools implement their action plans with facilitators providing shadow coaching support in one or more of the following domains:
- leadership;
- evidence-based inquiry and decision-making;
- developing culturally responsive and relational contexts for learning;
- developing educationally powerful connections amongst schools, whānau, hapū, iwi and Māori organisations;
- home-school and subject-specific literacy, te reo and numeracy;
Implementation is followed by on-going critical reflection, monitoring, evaluating and reporting on each individual school’s action plan implementation.
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