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Boogie nights

Students organise and hold a school disco to raise money for a designated purpose.

The learning context

In this unit, students organise and hold a school disco to raise money for a designated purpose.

To begin, students could survey other classes to find out preferences for the disco. Students might ask questions related to music choice, disco themes, games, decorations, food, and refreshments.

Students could then explore the costs of running a disco and identify ways of sourcing the required resources (including food, drinks, music, lighting, prizes, and so on). They will need to consider what prices they should allocate to admission tickets, food items, and beverages to ensure that a profit is realised.

Students can then plan, organise, and promote their disco. Suggested tasks might include choosing an appropriate venue, creating advertisements, organising tickets, producing music playlists, ordering food and drink, making decorations, and purchasing spot prizes.

Once the disco has been held, students can reflect on its success, using feedback from their customers as one way of identifying highlights and areas for improvement.

Enterprising attributes

  • Generating, identifying, and assessing opportunities
  • Identifying, assessing, and managing risks
  • Collecting, organising, and analysing information
  • Matching personal goals and capabilities to an undertaking
  • Working with others and in teams
  • Identifying, recruiting, and managing resources
  • Planning and organising
  • Communicating and receiving ideas and information

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Published on: 31 Mar 2015
