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Students discuss PRIDE Challenges

Views: 2983

Students reflect upon:

  • why they complete the challenges
  • what they learnt
  • how they get ideas
  • the challenges they have completed.

"You do them for fun and to get a badge or a necklace and to like learn to have responsibilities and determination and excellence in all your PRIDE challenges."



Why do you complete the PRIDE challenges?

You do them for fun and to get a badge or a necklace, and to learn to have responsibilities and determination and excellence in all your PRIDE challenges.

What have you learned through completing the challenges?

I think I learned that I can cook a three-course meal for later on in life.

It is teaching me lots of stuff that you’d often learn in school but it is helping you to judge where you would use them in real life.

It is a good thing because you are managing yourself and you learn skills for when you are older.

Where do you get your ideas for the challenges?

I get my ideas from the booklet. So I went and got the booklet and thought of things I could do, like the walk around the wetlands, and I designed my own and my mummy helped me. I planned most of them out with her before I started them. 

I just felt that those were the ones I wanted to do because I thought I would enjoy them.

I get help from my mum and dad, like when they get the stuff and they get… like if it’s on the computer to get the site running so I can start working.

What kinds of challenges have you completed?

One of the first PRIDE challenges I did was walking around the wetlands and I brought four friends. 

I did three, three-course meals.

It was some cheese toasties, and then it was chicken, and the dessert was a chocolate mousse.

I helped my ballet teacher teach starter classes.

I did touch rugby.

One of the harder, and longer, of my PRIDE Challenges was making this boat. 

I did the Weet-Bix Tryathlon, which was a swim, bike, and a run.

Another one of my favourites was my archery challenge.

Picking up rubbish walking to school because it was really dirty when we walked to school.

Surf lifesaving for one of them, cubs, cleaning the car. 

Tramping, and it was a long tramp because my legs got sore.

This one was part of my making a puppet of a Pukeko and also my sewing PRIDE challenge.

I’m making a recipe book and I’m going to design the cover and I’m going to sell them in the front court, and I might get my friend Joe Seagar to come along, and all the money I raise is going to go to the library.

Updated on: 23 Jan 2011
