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Health action project

Students identify a health issue in the community, and plan and implement an overall health promotion strategy.

The learning context

Students identify a range of health issues that could be improved, to enhance the school or local community’s physical and/or emotional environment.

Students discuss each issue, using health promotion strategies that could bring about a positive health change in relation to this issue. They consider how the planned action could enhance the hauora/well-being of the community involved.

Students develop a detailed and appropriate action plan. This involves breaking the goal into specific and appropriate steps, identifying a timeframe, barriers, and enablers for each step – for example, completing a needs assessment such as a survey or questionnaire.

Students implement the health action plan, gather data, keep a log/journal of progress and ongoing issues, and present or promote their action – for example, using photographs, videos, assembly presentation, copies of sponsorship letters, and so on.

Enterprising attributes

  • Collecting, organising, and analysing information
  • Identifying, solving, and preventing problems
  • Working with others
  • Negotiating and influencing
  • Monitoring and evaluating
  • Communicating and receiving ideas
  • Planning and organising

Published on: 31 Mar 2015
