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Te Kete Ipurangi

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New Zealand Curriculum Online navigation


Flash trash

Create artworks from recycled 'junk' for a 'Wearable arts' performance to be presented to an audience.

The learning context

Students create artworks for a 'Wearable arts' performance that is presented to other classes in the school, parents, grandparents, and/or the local pre-school. Students can design and make a piece of clothing such as a hat, jacket, skirt, shoes, or trousers from recycled ‘junk’ found in the school and home environment.

Organising and choreographing the performance could also be the responsibility of the students.

Enterprising attributes

Key competencies and enterprising attributes to consider:

  • Generating, identifying, and assessing opportunities
  • Generating and using creative ideas and processes
  • Identifying, solving, and preventing problems
  • Monitoring and evaluating
  • Identifying, recruiting, and managing resources
  • Planning and organising

Published on: 31 Mar 2015
