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Classroom caterer

Plan, prepare, and serve a three-course lunch for a group of visitors to the classroom.

The learning context

In this unit, students plan, prepare, and serve a three-course lunch for a group of visitors to their classroom. The visitors could be another class, parents, grandparents, or special friends.

To begin, students could conduct a statistical investigation to discover the food preferences of their intended lunch guests, listing potential meal choices and asking their guests to nominate their favourite options. Students can use the results from this investigation to decide on a menu for lunch.

Number knowledge and measurement skills can be integrated into the learning as students calculate the cost and quantities of the required ingredients.

Enterprising attributes

Key competencies and enterprising attributes to consider:

  • Generating, identifying, and assessing opportunities
  • Identifying, solving, and preventing problems
  • Working with others and in teams
  • Matching personal goals and capabilities to an undertaking
  • Identifying, recruiting, and managing resources
  • Planning and organising
  • Being flexible and dealing with change
  • Collecting, organising, and analysing information

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Published on: 31 Mar 2015
