draft to final The New Zealand Curriculum: Draft for Consultation 2006
| The New Zealand Curriculum
The principles upon which all school curricula must be based include:
- excellence
- learning to learn
- cultural heritage
- equity
- connections
- coherence.
| The principles upon which all school curricula must be based include:
- high expectations
- learning to learn
- community engagement
- Treaty of Waitangi
- cultural diversity
- inclusion
- coherence
- future focus.
The key competencies are:
- thinking
- using language, symbols, and texts
- managing self
- relating to others
- participating and contributing.
| The key competencies are unchanged.
New Zealand students are encouraged to value:
- excellence
- innovation, enquiry, and curiosity
- diversity
- respect
- equity
- community and participation
- care for the environment
- integrity.
| Students will be encouraged to value:
- excellence
- innovation, inquiry, and curiosity
- diversity
- equity
- community and participation
- ecological sustainability
- integrity
and to respect themselves, others and human rights.
The learning areas are: arts, English, learning languages, mathematics and statistics, health and physical education, science, social sciences and technology.
| The specified learning areas are unchanged, but each has been revised to incorporate consultation feedback. English, te reo Mãori, and New Zealand Sign Language are identified as official languages.
A section on designing a school curriculum is included.
| This section has been updated to capture the intent of the curriculum and provide clarity to schools on what is required and what is discretionary.
No explicit statement is included about requirements.
| Explicit requirements are stated for boards of trustees.
Published on: 17 Mar 2008
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