Text version of Schematic view of the New Zealand Curriculum document
The New Zealand Curriculum
[Column 1]
Directions for learning
- Young people who will be confident, connected, actively involved, lifelong learners.
- Excellence
- Innovation, inquiry, and curiosity
- Diversity
- Equity
- Community and participation
- Ecological sustainability
- Integrity
- Respect.
Key Competencies
- Thinking; Using language, symbols, and texts
- Managing self
- Relating to others
- Participating and contributing
Learning Areas
- English
- The arts
- Health and physical education
- Learning languages
- Mathematics and statistics
- Science
- Social sciences
- Technology
- Official languages
Achievement Objectives
- High expectations
- Treaty of Waitangi
- Cultural diversity
- Inclusion
- Learning to learn
- Community engagement
- Coherence
- Future focus
[Column 2]
Purpose and Scope
Effective Pedagogy
The School Curriculum: Design and Review
The School Curriculum
<< Back to NZC: Overview – A schematic view
Text version of Teaching as Inquiry diagram
This is a flow chart diagram in the shape of a rectangle, and headed: ‘Teaching as Inquiry’.
Working clockwise, and starting at the top right, there are two overlapping ovals, one contains the word: ‘Teaching’, the other contains the word: ‘Learning’. There is one arrow going from the middle of these two ovals, pointing down to the bottom right to an oval containing the heading: ‘Learning Inquiry’, followed by the words: ‘What happened as a result of the teaching, and what are the implications for future teaching?’
From this oval there are two lines ending in arrows. One line has the words along it: ‘Is there something I need to change?’ and ends in an arrow and an oval in the top left of the flow chart. The other line has the words along it: ‘What are the next steps for learning?’ and ends in an arrow and an oval at the bottom left of the flow chart.
The oval at the bottom left of the flow chart has the heading: ‘Focusing Inquiry’, followed by the words: ‘What is important (and therefore worth spending time on), given where my students are at?’ A line goes from the top of this oval to the bottom of the next oval, which is at the top left.
The oval at the top left of the flow chart has the heading: ‘Teaching Inquiry’, followed by the words: ‘What strategies (evidence-based) are most likely to help my students learn this?’ An arrow then leads on to the ovals ‘Teaching’ and ‘Learning’.
<< Back to NZC: Teaching as inquiry
Text version of Assessment diagram
This diagram shows the front view of five discs, stacked on top of each other.
The top circle is smaller than the other four circles. There are four shadowy figures of different heights in the centre of the circle. Below the figures is the heading: ‘Information for learning’, with the words below in lighter font: ‘Student and teacher’.
The next circle down has a v-shaped opening in the centre. To the left of the opening is the heading: ‘Information for future learning’, with the words below in white: ‘Next teacher, employer’. To the right of the opening is the heading: ‘Information for partnership’, with the words below in white: ‘Parent, family, whānau’.
The next circle down, on the left-hand side, has the heading: ‘Information for school review and development’. On the right-hand side there are the words in white: ‘Leadership team’.
The next circle down, on the left-hand side, has the heading: ‘Information for governance’. On the right-hand side there are the words in white: ‘Board of trustees’.
The fifth/bottom circle, on the left-hand side, has the heading: ‘Information for stewardship’. On the right-hand side there are the words in white: ‘Ministry of Education’.
<< Back to NZC: Assessment
Text version of The key competencies: Cross-sector alignment diagram
The outline of the diagram is a large arrow – pointing to the right. There are three columns within the arrow. At the head of each column there is a block with a heading in it, and underneath each heading there are smaller arrows that contain text and also point to the right.
The column on the left has the block heading: ‘Te Whāriki’. Underneath there are five arrows. In the arrow at the top is the word: ‘Exploration’; in the next arrow down is the word: ‘Communication’; in the next arrow down is the word ‘Well-being’; in the next arrow down is the word: ‘Contribution’; in the fifth/bottom arrow there is the word: ‘Belonging’.
The column in the middle has the block heading: ‘The New Zealand Curriculum’. Underneath there are five arrows. In the arrow at the top is the word: ‘Thinking’; in the next arrow down is the wording: ‘Using language, symbols, and texts’; in the next arrow down is the wording: 'Managing self'; in the next arrow down is the wording: ‘Relating to others’; in the fifth/bottom arrow there is the wording: ‘Participating and contributing’.
The column on the right-hand side has the block heading: ‘Tertiary’. Underneath there are four arrows, with the fourth arrow being the size of the fourth and fifth arrows combined in the other columns. In the arrow at the top is the word: ‘Thinking’; in the next arrow down is the wording: ‘Using tools interactively’; in the next arrow down is the wording: ‘Acting autonomously’; the fourth/bottom arrow has the wording: ‘Operating in social groups’.
In the head of the arrow, on the right-hand side of the diagram, the following headings are placed under each other: ‘Confident’; ‘Connected’; Actively involved’; ‘Lifelong learners’.
<< Back to NZC: The key competencies
Text version of schematic diagram of The Education Act and the curriculum
This diagram is a series of arrows, which all point downwards to the final text which is centred at the bottom of the diagram and reads: ‘The School Curriculum’.
The top arrow spans the width of the diagram and contains the heading: ‘The Education Act 1989’ with smaller text underneath: ‘and amendments’.
The next arrow down also spans the width of the diagram and contains the heading: ‘National Education Guidelines’.
Then there are two long arrows down the side of the diagram. The long arrow on the left has the heading: ‘National Education Goals’, with the words below: ‘Desirable achievements and policy objectives’. The long arrow on the right has the heading: ‘National Administration Guidelines’, with the words below: ‘Directions to boards of trustees relating particularly to management, planning, and reporting’.
The two long arrows described above flank two wider arrows in the middle of the diagram, one on top of the other. The first wide arrow is split vertically into half. The left-hand side has the heading: ‘Foundation Curriculum Policy Statements’, with the words below: ‘Statements of policy concerning teaching, learning and assessment’. The right-hand side has the heading: ‘National Curriculum Statements’, with the words below: ‘Statements specifying knowledge, understanding, and skills to be learned’.
The second wide arrow in the middle of the diagram is headed: ‘The New Zealand Curriculum’. On the left-hand side below this heading there is a box containing the following words listing downwards: ‘Principles’; ‘Values’; ‘Key Competencies’. On the right-hand side there are two separate boxes – the top box has the words: ‘Learning Area Statements’; the bottom box has the words: ‘Achievement Objectives’.
<< Back to NZC: The Education Act
Published on: 09 Nov 2015
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