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Empowering students at Clevedon School


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Edited transcript: Clevedon School

Welcome to Clevedon School. Our school is located in the splendid countryside of eastern Manukau City. While we will continue always to follow the school motto, “ Enter to learn, go forth to serve”, we are now also sharing in our school vision:

Our lifelong learners will develop the knowledge, skills and attitudes necessary to meet the challenges of the 21st century.

Clevedon School core values are:

  • positive attitude
  • responsibility
  • individuality
  • diligence
  • excellence
  • pride

PDF icon. Clevedon School mission statement (PDF, 441 KB)

Clevedon school will be a vibrant learning community in the fullest sense with a global and local perspective: value the past, be aware of the present and embrace the future; provide a broad range of diverse and stimulating experiences and tools; and encourage thinkers who are creative, critical and caring.

We have also formulated a set of guiding principles that form the basis of our approach to teaching and learning in our school.

We will encourage our learners: students, staff and community to be:

Connected by using technology and interpersonal skills to develop positive relationships

Resilient by having self confidence, self belief, and the ability to problem solve and take risks

Responsive by adapting to situations and being actively motivated to be the best they can be

Reflective by knowing where they are at, where they want to get to, and having the resourcefulness to get there.

All of this has come together to form what we now call the Clevedon learner. It has not just happened though, it is the result of informed leadership, clear articulation of our strategic direction, lots of consultation, refinement, practice, and above all the determination to provide the very best for our students.

From the outset we wanted to ensure that the shifts were not just happening at school between 9 and 3 so the Board of Trustees were involved from the very beginning especially in developing the school charter and strategic plans.

An ongoing consultation process was set in place with a series of cottage meetings, parent forums, surveys, and parent evenings with presentations. All of which led to a deeper awareness of the appropriate channels available to facilitate dialogue and clarify understanding.

Along with regular newsletters, the school website also serves to constantly inform parents and the wider community beyond Clevedon about our events and to share in the celebration of our successes.

It has been an exciting journey so far. The biggest shift has been to empower our students to take charge of their own learning, coupled with seeing the real changes our staff has made in adapting to this approach. And this is just the beginning of the journey.

We want children to understand that learning is something that they do. It is not something that is done to them.

This concept, as much as any other, epitomises the child centered model that is now so much an integral part of learning at Clevedon. There is lots of explicit teaching coupled with opportunities for students to initiate and develop their own learning with due consideration for content coverage and different learning needs and styles.

We are continuing the journey fuelled with the knowledge that we are making a difference and committed to extending the pathways further. We will continue to construct clarity out of confusion to get out of the pit to seek the eureka moment and to look for further opportunities, fresh ideas, and tackle the future with confidence so that our life long learners will have the knowledge, skills, attitudes, and values necessary to meet the challenges of the 21st century.

PDF icon. Developing the learner at Clevedon School (PDF, 32 KB)

Word icon. Pathway of progress and promise (Word, 456 KB)

Review questions image.

Who needs to be consulted to find out what knowledge, skills and attitudes are necessary for your students to meet the challenges of the 21st century?

How can you ensure the students have a voice in articulating these needs?

Published on: 24 Oct 2008
