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Students creating animations on digital tablets.

Technology in years 7–10: Case studies


See how three middle schools have integrated the revised technology learning area into their local curriculum. 

These video case studies show great examples of ākonga working together on challenging, authentic technology projects. The videos are accompanied by written resources that annotate each story, and unpack the key technology concepts, what and how ākonga are learning, and the steps that schools have taken to make their technology teaching a success. 

View the videos and read the case studies at Technology Online.

These case studies were developed by The Ministry of Education in partnership with the New Zealand Association of Intermediate Middle Schooling (NZAIMS).

Understand, Know, Do.

ANZ curriculum content cards


This video shows a Kāhui Ako working with a facilitator to plan for teaching and learning ANZH in the social sciences. It offers guidance to help teachers and school leaders use the cards effectively to plan together.

  • Red haired child with globe.

    Applications for Reading Recovery and Early Literacy Support open Friday 30 September 2022


    Detailed information on how schools and kura apply for Reading Recovery and Early Literacy Support is on the Reading Recovery and Early Literacy Support page

    Applications must be submitted by Friday 11 November 2022.
