What is Programmes for Students?
Programmes for Students consists of:
- Accelerating Learning in Literacy (ALL)
- Accelerating Learning in Mathematics (ALiM)
ALL and ALiM support kaiako to accelerate learning for ākonga in years 1-10 who would benefit from targeted support in reading, writing and/or mathematics.
Programmes for Students provides mentor support for participating kaiako and teachers to:
- accelerate the learning of ākonga who have been identified as needing further support - those who are at risk of not achieving the progress outcome for their phase or who are behind in the progress steps.
- use accelerative practices - kaiako and teachers will be supported to challenge, scaffold, and shift their practice and behaviour.
- integrate approaches into their overall school literacy and/or maths strategies so that the impact of Programmes for Students is sustained over time.
- work with ākonga Māori on essential literacy or maths skills where the learning is ākonga-centred, empowering ākonga Māori to learn and succeed as Māori.
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How Programmes for Students works
How kaiako/teachers involved in Programmes for Students will be supported
Kaiako and teachers work with a mentor to inquire into their practice and share their learning. They develop and increase their knowledge of accelerative practices for ākonga. Schools and Kāhui Ako can decide the timing and duration of the inquiry cycles.
Programmes for Students instruction takes place in regular learning settings. Ākonga may or may not be in the same teaching group, but the teacher adapts their teaching in response to individual needs.
How leaders of schools involved in Programmes for Students will be supported
Leaders are supported by the mentor to understand what accelerative practices are and which are being used in their school. They co-plan how to implement these widely across the school. They are supported to include these practices in their strategic planning. Leadership hui will be set up for leaders to connect with others and share effective accelerative practice.
How Programmes for Students is delivered
This year we are offering the programme face-to-face, online and in a hybrid format. The hybrid option offers kaiako and teachers the opportunity to meet online for some of the theory work and have face-to-face hui with their mentors.
We are exploring clusters of schools doing the programme together, which would enable a network of schools within a region to work with and support each other.
Mentors will organise across-school and local meetings to discuss and share professional practice as needed.
Programmes for Schools time commitment
Schools are provided with $4000 per teacher per year to cover release time to work with their mentor to develop accelerative practices for the school. For this to be effective, it needs to be given a high priority within the school's professional development plan. The programme will begin in term 2 2024.
ALL and ALiM will be delivered from April 2024 to January 2025.
ALL and ALiM will focus on developing effective classroom practices to respond to needs and accelerate target students. Teachers will carry out several inquiries and interventions with groups of students over this time.
Ministry funding for Programmes for Students
The Ministry of Education funds $4000 per teacher per year for ALL and ALiM to allow release time for planning, meetings, and evaluation. Participating kaiako/teachers are connected with a Ministry-funded mentor who supports leadership and kaiako/teachers to engage in inquiry and planning. Further information - Ministry of Education - School funding for Programmes for Students (PfS): ALL and ALiM
Prioritising Programmes for Students
For Programmes for Students to be effective, it needs to be given a high priority within the school's professional development plan. Kaiako and teachers involved need to make sure they have time available to engage in ongoing learning and development.
Mathematics Support Teacher for 2024
Mathematics Support Teacher (MST) is being phased out in 2024 and replaced with a significant increase in the number of ALiM places available.
The reasons for this are:
- Cost and affordability.
- A move towards more inclusive models (MST has predominantly been a withdrawal model.)
- The ability to impact more ākonga through ALiM.
Kaiako and teachers who have received Mathematics Support Teacher training in 2023 will have the option to complete their Mathematics Support Teacher training in 2024 or transfer over to ALiM. If they want to transfer over, kaiako/teachers will need to complete the Expression of Interest form with their principal’s approval.
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How to apply for Programmes for Students
Expressions of interest for 2024 have now closed.
To be eligible for Programmes for Students, teachers will need to:
- be fully registered/certificated and able to commit for the length of the programme
- have sound pedagogical and content knowledge of literacy/mathematics, demonstrating an understanding of progression at all relevant levels
- be culturally responsive and take identities, languages and cultures into consideration as well as holding high expectations of all ākonga
- be willing to and capable of transferring knowledge of effective practice to others in the school
- be teaching at a state or state-integrated school.
This intervention is designed for teachers who have taught for several years and have sound pedagogical and content knowledge of literacy/mathematics, ensuring an understanding of progression at all levels.
Programmes for Students is delivered in English-medium schools. Mauri Tū Mauri Ora is the equivalent offered to Māori-medium schools.
How schools will be prioritised for ALL and ALiM
Schools within each region will be weighted using the following prioritisation criteria in this order:
- Schools that have a high proportion of ākonga tracking below expected achievement levels.
- Schools that have a high proportion of Māori, Pacific and neurodiverse ākonga.
- Schools who have not been involved in the programme previously or recently.
- High equity index ranges from highest to lowest range.
Find information about the equity index - Ministry of Education - The Equity Index - Key resources and analysis
Additional selection factor - Schools put forward by local education advisors.
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Contact us
For more information, please contact your Regional Lead.
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