Cyber Skills Aotearoa
Grok Academy and CORE Education have launched Cyber Skills Aotearoa, a programme to help develop cyber security skills and dispositions in ākonga in Years 6-13.
Grok Academy and CORE Education have launched Cyber Skills Aotearoa, a programme to help develop cyber security skills and dispositions in ākonga in Years 6-13.
This video shows a Kāhui Ako working with a facilitator to plan for teaching and learning ANZH in the social sciences. It offers guidance to help teachers and school leaders use the cards effectively to plan together.
Detailed information on how schools and kura apply for Reading Recovery and Early Literacy Support is on the Reading Recovery and Early Literacy Support page.
Applications must be submitted by Friday 11 November 2022.
See how three middle schools have integrated the revised technology learning area into their local curriculum.
These video case studies show great examples of ākonga working together on challenging, authentic technology projects. The videos are accompanied by written resources that annotate each story, and unpack the key technology concepts, what and how ākonga are learning, and the steps that schools have taken to make their technology teaching a success.
View the videos and read the case studies at Technology Online.
These case studies were developed by The Ministry of Education in partnership with the New Zealand Association of Intermediate Middle Schooling (NZAIMS).
You will have recently seen some new maths resources arrive at your schools. The resources have been designed to provide teachers and leaders with information about what is needed for ākonga in Years 1-8 to receive rich learning experiences and a full diet of maths education. A balanced maths diet is a quick reference sheet for teachers to support your curriculum design. The Leading mathematics teaching and learning in years 1-8 brochure supports school leaders on how to best support maths teaching in your school. These resources are part of the Ministry’s 2022 maths support package.
Download the brochures:
Leading mathematics teaching and learning in years 1–8 (PDF, 1 MB)
The Science Learning Hub – Pokapū Akoranga Pūtaiao links New Zealand scientists with school students, teachers, and community audiences. They are a national project funded by the New Zealand Government to make examples of New Zealand science, technology and engineering more accessible and visible. To do this, they use a range of media to tell the stories of New Zealand research and development. Wrap-around teacher resources demonstrate how these stories can be used as contexts for creating relevant, engaging classroom programmes in science and STEM.
They have over 10,400 resources that showcase cutting-edge science and demonstrate how the stories of science can be used to enrich school teaching and learning, making it more relevant, engaging and meaningful. Below are a few examples of resources that have recently been developed with Otago University for the Aotearoa in Space Exhibition. Many more are available on their website.
Nelly the kuaka | godwit travels to Aotearoa New Zealand.
In four episodes, especially developed for years 1–3 learners, Nelly explores different aspects of Aotearoa New Zealand’s histories.
Use the videos with your students and the teaching support material for guidance and activities to help you link each video to your classroom context.
From 2023, Aotearoa New Zealand’s histories and Te Takanga o Te Wā will be taught in all schools and kura. Aotearoa New Zealand’s histories final content and resources can be found at
Pacific STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Maths) resources encourage students to study STEAM subjects and carry their ancestors' legacy into the future. Five short videos and downloadable posters that illustrate how Pacific peoples were always scientists, technologists, engineers, artists, and mathematicians.