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Provisionally Certified Teachers (PCT)/ Overseas Trained Teachers (OTT)

PLD inventory for schools

Design elements

Target for support (strengths and needs)

This support is available for all provisionally registered and overseas trained teachers.

Expected outcomes

This PLD provides opportunities for PCTs/OTTs and their mentor teachers, embedded within a teaching as inquiry frame, to implement induction and mentoring programmes, and as beginning teachers, fulfil the requirements of the Registered Teacher Criteria and work towards achieving full registration. PCTs/OTTS will develop a teaching as inquiry cycle with students from the priority learner groups of Māori, Pasifika, and students with special education needs, based on material from the RTC, Tataiako and the Effective Teacher Profile within a NZC framework. There will be an explicit focus on National Standards for primary teachers and incorporating NCEA literacy and numeracy requirements for secondary teachers. Mentor teachers will engage in teaching as inquiry, focusing on enhancing their mentoring skills.

Quality mentoring and induction programmes also provide PCTs and OTTs with feedback and support from trained mentors and in-school leaders so that they meet the Registered Teacher Criteria.

The programme takes into account the shared vision of kura leaders, boards, teachers, iwi, and whānau in relation to their marautanga ā-kura. Support of school leadership is crucial to the establishment of a quality induction and mentoring programme to ensure sustainability over time.

The geographical isolation of some PCTs and OTTs in kura and Māori medium settings, signals the need for a range of support strategies to strengthen their expertise, share effective strategies, and provide the mechanism for sustainable and ongoing professional growth.

Delivery design (who, how long, interactions)

The programme runs for two years.

How will the support contribute to classroom practice (tier 1) and school capability?

The support will enhance teacher practice at the classroom level and enables ongoing development for mentors and in-school leaders.

How will the support contribute to building educationally powerful relationships with parents, whānau/family, hapu, iwi, and community?

PCT and OTT professional learning and development includes:

  • the development of teacher knowledge about the value and importance of linking learning at home with learning at school
  • a focus on ensuring that all parents and whānau are supported to understand where their children are currently at in their learning, and what their next learning steps will be
  • a focus on the importance of culturally responsive learning and teaching that values the cultures, identities, and languages of all learners and their parents, families, and whānau.

Methods of delivery and time commitment

  • Workshop series (various venues nationally)
  • PCT/OTTs – up to three (3) workshops throughout the year, focusing on:
    • meeting RTC
    • culturally responsive pedagogy
    • Taiataiko
    • teaching as inquiry
    • NZC
    • National Standards (primary)
    • NCEA (secondary)
    • networking.
  • Mentors – up to two (2) workshops throughout the year, focusing on:
    • educative induction and mentoring
    • RTC
    • culturally responsive pedagogy
    • teaching as inquiry
    • coaching and mentoring skills
    • networking.
  • Online modules:
    • A series of 6-8 interactive modules for PCTs/ OTTs and their mentors, including the content of the face-to-face workshops.

Support is accessed through the PLD leads in regional Ministry offices in consultation with the provider. Available throughout the Southern region.

Funding is set at 0.2FTE to allow support for PCTs/OTTs in kura and Māori medium settings in Te Waipounamu.

Delivery will be matched to the PCTs/OTTs’ needs. It will be on-site, engaging the mentors and teachers, and also involve workshops and online support.

How is support monitored and measured in terms of outcomes?

Ongoing monitoring is undertaken during the period of provision to ensure that PCTs and OTTs gain the necessary knowledge, skills, and capabilities to teach.

What needs to be sustained?

Mentoring of OTTs and PCTs against the registered teacher profile.

Updated on: 07 Sep 2015
