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Meeting groups

Views: 2251

This clip shows an in-school meeting at Tamaki Primary School, where discussions take place in a range of groupings and languages.

"Offering parents the opportunity to speak in their first language is always important, but when you have a room full of people and you are putting them in groups, some are stronger at using their first language and some are really uncomfortable, because it’s not as familiar to them. We’ve got to the stage where everybody feels comfortable and feels that they are being heard.”


Discussions at Tamaki Primary take place in a range of groupings, on this night the Tongan group talked in Tongan, the Maori group discussed particular issues in Māori and English, and the other two groups included a mix of ethnicities and talked mainly in English. All the groups assigned a speaker to share their discussion and conclusions with the larger group in English.

Published on: 22 Aug 2011
